Google Down the Line!: Quote of the Day: Wertheim on WTA Championships

Monday, November 10, 2008

Quote of the Day: Wertheim on WTA Championships

Either the stands were empty or a lot of people came dressed as empty seats.

- Sports Illustrated's Jon Wertheim on the sparse crowds in Doha for the WTA Championships

So funny. Yes, this move was all about the bottom line but, truth is, the bottom fell out guys.

However, I have this truly novel, off the wall, I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter kind of idea: if you really want to make money off this year-end tennis thing, get smart and create a combined event leveraging the star power of both tours to sell the event. Then you can stick it wherever you want it.

Crazy, right? I know!

(image via Getty)


  1. Hey Rich, what's up? Here's something even crazier: Bring the events back to New York! I know basketball and hockey are being played at the Garden, but it all worked well before.

  2. Rich, why aren't you the commissioner of tennis?

  3. van: hey there! oh that would be so good - i'd be there stalking all of them. oops! just kidding i don't do such things, i swear!!

    narik: i ask myself that every night before falling asleep.

  4. Not crazy at all Rich! I had the same idea and you know what they say about great minds. . .

    Even if they just moved the ladies over to London, I'm sure they'd have better atmosphere. Montreal, however, always turns out for ladies tennis and I think that would be the ideal location.


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