Google Down the Line!: Rafa to develop fragrance line - will his ass-ets shape the bottles?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rafa to develop fragrance line - will his ass-ets shape the bottles?

Rafael Nadal will soon have more in common with Roger Federer than Nike, no. 1, and a Wimbledon crown.

The buff baller has reportedly signed a deal with Inter Parfums to develop a fragrance line called Lanvin L'Homme Sport based on his image to be launched in summer 2009. Of course, Fed has his RF Cosmetics body care line featuring a cologne, after shave balm, body wash, and deodorant stick. No word as to whether Rafa's line will be as extensive.

I'm thinking the shape of the bottles will be inspired by his recently revealed full-moon moment. Do you think his ass-ets are trademarked yet?

PS - Thanks to reader Brent for tipping me off to the news!


  1. lol nice title rich

  2. I'm thinking a re-design of the Gaultier bottles are in order.

    Why does RAFA sweat Fed so much? Back off, dude.

  3. brently119 - yes more back than front, you know what i mean!

  4. Dudes, Lanvin is sheer class. And Rafa is not going to develop anything, he'll be the face of Lanvin's new line of male fragrances Lanvin Homme Sport, so that they can start targeting younger market.

    This is hardly comparable with Feddy's silly line, or his Gillette gig. No shaving foam from shopping mall here, this is one of the oldest and finest French maisons.

    Way to go, Rafa.

  5. anon: you're right on the spokesperson part but it looks like he's also helping develop the summer 2009 line for Lanvin:

  6. I'm not into colognes, but if the bottle resembles any part of Rafa, where do I get a case???

  7. hmm. i know there was something i was going to say but i'm quite distracted by the photo...

  8. Given Rafa's famous nervous tic, I don't think it is a very good idea:-)


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