Google Down the Line!: Sharapova ruining careers, nine-year old banned for excessive shrieking

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sharapova ruining careers, nine-year old banned for excessive shrieking

Bemoaning a ban: Maria "Shriek"apova is ruining young tennis careers before they even begin. Lauryn Edwards, a 9-year old baller from Australia who admires the Russian star, has been banned from her local tennis club for over-grunting. The Mt. Carmel Tennis Club in Sunbury received a complaint about her shrieking from an opposing player and told Lauryn's parents that she would no longer be allowed to play if the noise continued. In response to the ban, her father Duncan said,

They told me to guarantee she won't grunt or she can't play. How can I guarantee that? She's been doing it since she was really little. She's her own person. What do they want me to do? Put Band-Aids over her mouth? They made her cry on the court when they told her.
Nice - making a 9-year old cry. That'll teach her not to enjoy her tennis anymore!

(image via

1 comment:

  1. Don't be sucked in by this. There is more too it, and her Parents used it to get Money by parading their child on the Television.

    This child had been warned about noise repeatedly.
    Dont be sucked in by the bleeding heart defence of Duncan & Ruth.
    They have exploited their Child for some cash.

    Now that is setting a good example as a Parent!


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