Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) MEDIA MASHUP: Who's got the real salsa skills, eh?

Monday, March 21, 2011

(UPDATED) MEDIA MASHUP: Who's got the real salsa skills, eh?

Here's a video of Rafael Nadal + Novak Djokovic during their exo today in Bogota, Columbia. You just knew they were going to pull them out on court for a bit of salsa, didn't you? Not sure if dance was contractual but, in any case, let the awkwardness begin!

Some images from the exo below and after the jump.

UPDATE: Double OMG. More of this here. Seriously, extra credit to both for flying down to Colombia a day after competing in the Indian Wells final only to put on these hats and carry those murses. Oh, and the money. They got lots of that, too. I guess it's all good.

[Photo(s): Reuters, AP Photo/Fernando Vergara]
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  1. Djokovic has an abdominal problem?

  2. @ migi: No, I think the strap is to keep the microphone and its equipment (I think there's a monitor of some sort worn on back) steady during their movements on-court. And by movements I meant the salsa dancing of course.


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