Google Down the Line!: Buh-bye, Mario

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Buh-bye, Mario

Former top tenner calls it a career

[Screen Grab:]
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  1. Wow, the ATP doesn't even have this on its site yet! Thanks for posting the link, Rich—and welcome back!

  2. That's really sad. I always rooted for him ever since he burst into the scene with the big upset over Fed. He just had some really bad luck, health-wise...

    On the other hand, he does have a law degree, doesn't he?

  3. Yup he has his degree. I guess he was preparing for his post-tennis life - he probably never imagined it would come this soon.

  4. Hey Rich... Welcome back :)
    It's been a long time.
    I am still in denial about this Mario retirement thing. It's just too sad, but this guy really has the worst luck in the world when it comes to injuries and illnesses, I can't imagine how hard it's been for him.

    Good to have you back :)


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