Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: This can't be good for the ol' shoulder Shrieka

Thursday, July 23, 2009

PHOTO OP: This can't be good for the ol' shoulder Shrieka

Maria Sharapova got her World Team Tennis on last night with the Newport Beach Breakers and was in splendid form.

According to the double bagel (who was in attendance at the match):

Masha played all the events she could at last night’s match; women’s singles, doubles and mixed doubles and won all of them. She looked super solid last night, accurately hit lines, winners (her BH down the line is kind of perfect, yo), pounded on second serves and only committed one double fault the entire match. Seemed to me like she’s adjusted quite well now on that new abbreviated service motion.

Even Shrieka thought so telling the press afterwards, "I am a hundred percent."

Good news. But let's not get all crazy and start pushing toddlers around in sports cars, girl. It's cute and all but really? Proceed with caution.

See more pics of Shrieka over at the double bagel!


  1. What Rich, no comment about the little bandana thing she has going on? Tsk tsk...

    Apart from that, I'm happy that she seems to progress so well! After clay and grass she's finally back on her best surface and somehow I expect great things from her!

  2. Did I commit a fashion faux pas myself by ignoring that thing? Perhaps. I'm hoping it'll go away if I ignore it.

    And yes good things are in store for Shrieka. Give the girl a true bounce and who knows what could happen? She sounds happy that's for sure.

  3. I like the headband. So there. :p

    And in other news Mirka gave birth to twin girls. Unfortunately for you Rich, they apparently didn't go with the name Mango.

  4. Aww the picture of her pushing the kid in the car is too cute.



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