Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Anna K. bites her tongue, avoids Gimelstob's prying eyes

Thursday, July 24, 2008

PHOTO OP: Anna K. bites her tongue, avoids Gimelstob's prying eyes

Can somebody say A-W-K-W-A-R-D?!

St. Louis Ace's Anna Kournikova and the Washington Kastles' Justin Gimelstob finally faced each other (well, Gimel faced Anna - she's not even trying to sniff in his stanky direction) in DC at their World Team Tennis match last night. It was their first interaction since he made degrading and rude comments directed at the original Russian glamourpuss.

A couple of observations here:

- Isn't it creepy that Gimel has a wry smile on his face while he eyeballs Anna's goods? I thought he said he had "no attraction to her"? Douchebag.

- What the hell is Anna chewing on? Could she be biting her tongue?? She really should've laid into him - like a backhand to the head or somewhere less empty.

Who knew the WTT was where all the gritty action is these days? Billie Jean's always ahead of the curve...

(images via AP)


  1. I think the smile is being used nervously as a way to downplay the awkwardness of the situation.

    I think it's wild he wasn't suspended for the year from WTT. I wonder if people are out there booing him, even at the home matches.

  2. I totally agree with Van!

    I think it's cool that Anna even agreed to play - she definitely took the high road.

    It's interesting how quickly someone can go from mildly annoying to completely repugnant. Might be one of Justin's most impressive accomplishments.

  3. there's got to be a word for that b2012...what could it be? creepissimo???

  4. "I really don’t want to discuss the matter. I actually forgot about it until you just mentioned it. It’s really no big deal to me."

    i have to say i'm impressed with how classy she was in dealing with this. she showed him that he's not even relevant enough to upset her. well played, anna.

  5. lol! YES! That word defines him perfectly.

  6. I was at the WTT match pitting Anna's team v. Justin's. The AP reported that Anna and Justin we're scheduled to play against one another directly. Well, the mixed doubles match began uneventfully, with Kournikova and her partner playing against Mashona Washington and Scott Oudsema. After the conclusion of the first two games, however, with Kournikova stepping up to serve, the Kastles substituted Gimelstob for Oudsema (WTT allows mid-match substitutions). Anna was visibly upset, and the first two points that she served to him she served underhanded in protest. She and Justin had a few verbal exchanges across the net -- nothing overtly nasty -- but there was obviously an uncomfortable edge to what was said. Further, he seemed to take an over-the-top glee in acing her with his serve.

    I must say that I find Gimelstob's conduct really classless. It indicates that his apology for his sexist and offensive remarks was wholly insincere and suggests that he should have received more than a slap on the wrist. Although he undoubtedly adds color to the sport, and brings a lot of enthusiasm to his WTT matches, I don't see how I will ever be able to consider myself a fan of his. This episode also reflects poorly on Thomas Blake, the Kastles coach, who should have had better sense than to use Gimelstob as a substitute in the match.

    Also ... Anna was chewing gum. I think I would find it distracting, but she chews a big wad of gum on the court while she plays.


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